Record (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Record details

Horse's Hoof Clam (species: Hippopus hippopus)
Observed by Andy Lewis
Sat, 8 Jul 2017 02:38:00

Location details

  • Lizard Island, Queensland

  • Lagoon between South and Palfrey Islands. The specific site (~7000 square metres) has a straight line on the South Island side and does not extend to the bommie in central part of lagoon.

  • Marine specimens found at a depth between 0 m and 4 metres.

Details about the specimens

  • 24 specimens. (exact)
  • specimens alive when found.
  • specimens alive at end of the observation process.
  • specimens left in natural environment.
  • The record does not indicate whether reproduction was occurring.

Smallest 9 cm long so some recruitment had occurred since earlier comparable survey in 2009. Despite this, the population had decreased from 38 live clams in 2009.