species: Abutilon indicum in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Abutilon indicum

©Anne Hoggett: Flower of Abutilon indicum on the strandline at South Direction Island.

©Anne Hoggett: Abutilon indicum on the strandline at South Direction Island.

©Anne Hoggett: Heart-shaped leaves of Abutilon indicum on the strandline at South Direction Island.
Kingdom Plantae
Division Tracheophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Malvales
Family Malvaceae
Genus Abutilon
Species Abutilon indicum



Distinguishing features

A scrambling low shrub with distinctive heart-shaped leaves and bright yellow, five-petalled flowers.


  • Size data has not been obtained.


Similar taxa


©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

Local abundance

  • Lizard Island: Uncommon. Atlas of Living Australia refers to records of the species on the island, including from Casuarina Beach in 1990 but it does not appear to be there in the 2010s (Anne Hoggett, Feb 2019)

Web resources


References that assist with identification

  • Cribb, A.B. and J.W. Cribb (1985). Plant life of the Great Barrier Reef and adjacent shores University of Queensland Press, St Lucia.