species: Unidentified aglaopheniid 2 in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Unidentified aglaopheniid 2

©Anne Hoggett: Close-up of Unidentified aglaopheniid 2 on the reef flat at Pidgin Point, Lizard Island.

©Anne Hoggett: Unidentified aglaopheniid 2 on the reef flat at Pidgin Point, Lizard Island.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Hydrozoa
Order Leptothecata
Family Aglaopheniidae
Species Unidentified aglaopheniid 2



Distinguishing features

Feather-like structures up to about 7 cm long that occur in aggregations. Brown shaft with short, paler-brown branchlets arranged closely and regularly on each side in a single plane. This could be Lytocarpia brevirostris based on shape of colony and colour (Di Camillo et al, 2011).


  • Size data has not been obtained.



Web resources


References that assist with identification

  • Di Camillo, S. Puce and G. Bavestrello, C.G. (2011). Lytocarpia and Cladocarpus (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa, Aglaopheniidae) from the Bunaken National Marine Park (North Sulawesi, Indonesia). Marine Biodiversity, DOI 10.1007/s12526-011-0081-4. LIRS catalog number 90345.