species: Oikopleura sp in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Oikopleura sp

©Barbara Banks: The empty mucus "house" (feeding structure) of Oikopleura sp in Watson's Bay, Lizard Island. There were thousands in this area for a short time in early November 2019, some with the active, yellow, tadpole-shaped organism inside.

©Barbara Banks: The empty mucus "house" (feeding structure) of Oikopleura sp in Watson's Bay, Lizard Island, showing the reef behind for scale. There were thousands in this area for a short time in early November 2019, some with the active, yellow, tadpole-shaped organism inside.

©Georgina Jones: Oikopleura sp inside its mucus "house" with fecal pellets; Mozambique.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Appendicularia
Order Copelata
Family Oikopleuridae
Genus Oikopleura
Species Oikopleura sp

Distinguishing features

Yellow, tadpole-shaped creature with wildly flailing "tail" inside a clear gelatinous ball up to 2 cm diameter.


  • Size data has not been obtained.



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