species: Dendronephthya heterocyathus in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Dendronephthya heterocyathus

©Lyle Vail: Dendronephthya heterocyathus at about 20 m depth off Lizard Head, Lizard Island. Thanks to Dr Phil Alderslade for the identification through iNaturalist.

©Lyle Vail: Dendronephthya heterocyathus at about 20 m depth off Lizard Head, Lizard Island. Thanks to Dr Phil Alderslade for the identification through iNaturalist.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Malacalcyonacea
Family Nephtheidae
Genus Dendronephthya
Species Dendronephthya heterocyathus



Distinguishing features

Colony sub-spherical, formed by a cluster of umbellate sub-sections. “For every cluster of polyps, there is one where the supporting bundle is extremely large and in the form of a tube ending in several projecting spindles at the base of which the enclosed polyp head is visible (Phil Alderslade, iNaturalist, 18 Dec 2019).


  • Size data has not been obtained.



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

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