species: Colobometra perspinosa in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Colobometra perspinosa

©Anne Hoggett: Colobometra perspinosa at North Point, Lizard Island.

©Lyle Vail and Anne Hoggett: Typical living position of Colobometra perspinosa

©Lyle Vail and Anne Hoggett: Smaller specimen of Colobometra perspinosa with mottled colour pattern
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Echinodermata
Class Crinoidea
Order Comatulida
Family Colobometridae
Genus Colobometra
Species Colobometra perspinosa



Distinguishing features

Only ten arms, very spiky appearance, large robust cirri, often clinging to gorgonians. Usually black all over but some are white and black while others (rare) may be golden brown all over.


  • Up to 15 cm (arm length)

Depth range

  • Depth range data is not yet available.



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

Distribution and habitat preferences

Usually found clinging to gorgonians.

Found in high energy areas with good water flow and gorgonians, mainly on the exposed reef slopes between North Point to South Island.

Maximum number of arms (echinoderms)

???maximumArmNumber.value??? = 10

Cirri numbers (crinoids)

  • many cirri
  • (Cirri long, slender, functional)

Daytime exposure tendencies

  • typically exposed during the day
  • )

Web resources


References that assist with identification

  • Clark, A.M. and F.W.E. Rowe (1971). Monograph of shallow-water Indo-west Pacific echinoderms British Museum (Natural History), London.

Other references

  • Lanterbecq, D., G.W. Rouse and I. Eeckhaut (2009). Evidence for cospeciation events in the host-symbiont system involving crinoids (Echinodermata) and their obligate associates, the myzostomids (Myzostomida, Annelida), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, doi: 10.1016: jymev20090811. LIRS catalog number 1274.
  • Meyer, D.L. (1979). Length and spacing of the tube feet in crinoids (Echinodermata) and their role in suspension-feeding, Marine Biology, 51: 361-369. LIRS catalog number 29.
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