Ringtail Surgeonfish (species: Acanthurus auranticavus) in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Acanthurus auranticavus
Ringtail Surgeonfish

©Kendall Clements: Acanthurus auranticavus at North Point, Lizard Island. Note indistict dark band behind upper edge of gill cover.

©Kendall Clements: Acanthurus auranticavus at North Point, Lizard Island. Note indistict dark band behind upper edge of gill cover.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Perciformes
Family Acanthuridae
Genus Acanthurus
Species Acanthurus auranticavus



Distinguishing features

Dark with dark streak behind upper gill cover, no spots on head, a pale patch under chin, dark caudal knife with indistinct orangish border around it, usually a white band on tail.


  • Up to 35 cm (length according to Allen et al, 2003)

Depth range

  • Depth range data is not yet available.


Similar taxa


©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

Web resources


  • Clements, K.D. (1991). Gut microorganisms of surgeonfishes (Family Acanthuridae), Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 321.
  • Clements, K.D., G.R. Russ, D. McB. Williams and A.M. Ayling (1988). A species list of the family Acanthuridae (Pisces) of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, with notes on latitudinal distribution patterns,manuscript only. LIRS catalog number 242.
  • Welsh, J.Q. (2014). Spatial ecology of coral reef fishes, PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1846.