species: Megalactis sp. in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Megalactis sp.

©Anne Hoggett: Megalactis sp. at the lagoon bommie, Lizard Island.

©Lyle Vail: Megalactis sp. at Pidgin Point, Lizard Island, with shrimp Ancylomenes sp. 2.

©Lyle Vail: Closeup of Megalactis sp. at Pidgin Point, Lizard Island, with shrimp Ancylomenes sp. 2.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Hexacorallia
Order Actiniaria
Family Actinodendridae
Genus Megalactis
Species Megalactis sp.



Distinguishing features

A moderately-sized sand-dwelling anemone with thick tentacles that are generally smooth on upper and lower surfaces and have side branches.

Megalactis griffithsi is known from the Great Barrier Reef. The Lizard Island specimens look similar to those identified as Megalactis hemprichii from the Philippines and Indonesia. It is not clear which name should apply to the Lizard Island specimens. Rowlett (2020) considers them synonymous with the latter having priority.


  • Up to 25 cm (overall diameter)



Web resources


References that assist with identification

  • Rowlett, J. (2020). Indo-Pacific Corals. 807 pp. Joe Rowlett, Chicago, USA. ISBN: 9798686565975. LIRS catalog number 90393.