species: Ophiarachnella sp. 4 in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Ophiarachnella sp. 4

©Anne Hoggett: Ophiarachnella sp. 4 from under rubble on the northern side of Lizard Island. Disc diameter is 9-10 mm, arm length about 5 cm.

©Anne Hoggett: Ophiarachnella sp. 4 from under rubble on the northern side of Lizard Island. Disc diameter is 9-10 mm, arm length about 5 cm. Note small, naked radial shields.

©Anne Hoggett: Oral side of Ophiarachnella sp. 4 from under rubble on the northern side of Lizard Island.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Echinodermata
Class Ophiuroidea
Order Ophiurida
Family Ophiodermatidae
Genus Ophiarachnella
Species Ophiarachnella sp. 4



Distinguishing features

Disc diameter of single Lizard island specimen almost 1 cm, arms about 5 cm long. Distinctive colour pattern as shown. Small, almost circular, naked radial shields. Disc granulation extends onto oral side and dorsal arm bases. About 5 broad-based oral papillae on each side of jaw. Photos do not show whether there is a supplementary oral shield or not. Upper arm spines are short and flaring, lowermost one much longer. Photos appear to show 5 arms spines in each series but there may be six. Arm spines are not banded, which is a distinguishing feature of Ophiarachnella snelliusi (Clark and Rowe, 1971).

This appears to be the species illustrated in Coleman (2007, page 66) as Ophiarachnella sp.


  • Up to 1 cm (disc diameter) - applies to Lizard Island specimen
  • Up to 5.3 cm (arm length) - applies to Lizard island specimen

Depth range

  • Depth range data is not yet available.



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