species: Asparagopsis taxiformis in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Asparagopsis taxiformis

©Anne Hoggett: Asparagopsis taxiformis at Lizard Island. 

©Anne Hoggett: Asparagopsis taxiformis growing among living and dead branching coral at Lizard Island.
Kingdom Plantae
Division Rhodophyta
Class Florideophyceae
Order Bonnemaisoniales
Family Bonnemaisoniaceae
Genus Asparagopsis
Species Asparagopsis taxiformis



Distinguishing features

Distinguishing features still need to be specified.


  • Size data has not been obtained.


Interesting facts

  • This species is highly valued as food by Hawaiians (Huisman et al, 2007).


Web resources


References that assist with identification

  • Littler, D.S. and M.M. Littler (2003). South Pacific Reef Plants: A diver's guide to the plant life of South Pacific coral reefs. Offshore Graphics Inc, Washington DC, USA.

Other references

  • Diaz-Pulido, G., C. Cornwall, P. Gartrell, C. Hurd and D.V. Tran (2016). Strategies of dissolved inorganic carbon use in macroalgae across a gradient of terrestrial influence: implications for the Great Barrier Reef in the context of ocean acidification. Coral Reefs, DOI 10.1007/s00338-016-1481-5. LIRS catalog number 1996.
  • Hoey, A.S. (2010). The ecosystem role of macroalgal browsing fishes on coral reefs. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1415.
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