species: Unidentified crinoid 5 in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Unidentified crinoid 5

©Anne Hoggett: Unidentified crinoid 5 at Big Vicki's Reef, Lizard Island, at night.

©Anne Hoggett: Close-up of Unidentified crinoid 5 at Big Vicki's Reef, Lizard Island, at night.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Echinodermata
Class Crinoidea
Order Comatulida
Family Unidentified crinoids
Species Unidentified crinoid 5



Distinguishing features

Not family Comatulidae. 15-20 arms and a good ring of cirri each with 18-20 segments (based on the single photographed specimen).


  • Size data has not been obtained.

Depth range

  • Depth range data is not yet available.



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