Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Other references

  • Barnett, A. (2004). The trophic and reproductive implications of mouthbrooding in apogonid fishes, Honours thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 946.
  • Barnett, A. and D.R. Bellwood (2005). Sexual dimorphism in the buccal cavity of paternal mouthbrooding cardinalfishes (Pisces: Apogonidae), Marine Biology, 148: 205-212. LIRS catalog number 1021.
  • Barnett, A., D.R. Bellwood and A.S. Hoey (2006). Trophic ecomorphology of cardinalfish, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 322: 249-257. LIRS catalog number 1020.
  • Bernal, M.A., C. Schunter, R. Lehmann, D.J. Lightfoot, B.J.M. Allan, H.D. Veilleux, J.L. Rummer, P.L. Munday and T. Ravas (2020). Species-specific molecular responses of wild coral reef fishes during a marine heatwave. Science Advances, 6: eaay3423. LIRS catalog number 2391.
  • Caley, M.J. (1991). Mechanisms of coexistence in communities of coral-reef fishes, Ph.D. thesis, University of Sydney. LIRS catalog number 307.
  • Caley, M.J. (1995). Reef fish community structure and dynamics: in interaction between local and larger-scale processes? Marine Ecology Progress Series, 129: 19-29. LIRS catalog number 448.
  • Caley, M.J. and J. St John (1996). Refuge availability structures assemblages of tropical reef fishes, Journal of Animal Ecology, 65: 414-428. LIRS catalog number 458.
  • Crawley, N.E. (2013). The global impacts of climate change on fish. PhD thesis, Brunel University. LIRS catalog number 1691.
  • Depczynski, M. (2006). Small cryptic fishes on coral reefs: a new perspective on reef fish ecology and life histories, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1070.
  • Depczynski, M. and D.R. Bellwood (2005). Wave energy and spatial variability in community structure of small cryptic coral reef fishes, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 303: 283-293. LIRS catalog number 932.
  • Grutter, A.S. (1997). Effect of the removal of cleaner fish on the abundance and species composition of reef fish, Oecologia, 111: 137-143. LIRS catalog number 504.
  • Heenan, A. (2010). The behaviour of settling coral reef fishes and supplementary management tools, Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburgh. LIRS catalog number 1311.
  • Heiniger, H. and R.D. Adlard (2012). Host specificity and local infection dynamics of Kudoa leptacanthae n. sp. (Multivalvulida: Kudoidae) from the pericardial cavity of two Zoramia spp. (Perciformes: Apogonidae) at Lizard Island lagoon, Queensland, Australia. Parasitology International, 61: 697-706. LIRS catalog number 1582.
  • Heiniger, H. and R.D. Adlard (2013). Molecular identification of cryptic species of Ceratomyxa Thélohan, 1892 (Myxosporea: Bivalvulida) including the description of eight novel species from apogonid fishes (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from Australian waters. Acta Parasitologica, 58: 342-360. LIRS catalog number 1697.
  • Heiniger, H. and R.D. Adlard (2014). Relatedness of novel species of Myxidium Bu¨tschli, 1882, Zschokkella Auerbach, 1910 and Ellipsomyxa Køie, 2003 (Myxosporea: Bivalvulida) from the gall bladders of marine fishes (Teleostei) from Australian waters, Systematic Parasitology, 87: 47-72. LIRS catalog number 1772.
  • Hoey, A.S., D.R. Bellwood and A. Barnett (2011). To feed or to breed: the morphological constraints of mouthbrooding. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, oi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.2769. LIRS catalog number 1525.
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  • Lassig, B.R. (1983). The effects of a cyclonic storm on coral reef assemblages, Environmental Biology of Fishes, 9(1): 55-63. LIRS catalog number 253.
  • Leis, J.M., H.P.A. Sweatman and S.E. Reader (1996). What the pelagic stages of coral reef fishes are doing out in blue water: daytime field observations of larval behavioural capabilities, Marine and Freshwater Research, 47: 401-411. LIRS catalog number 470.
  • Lonnstedt, O.M. (2014). Predator-prey interactions and the importance of sensory cues in a changing world. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1852.
  • Lonnstedt, O.M., M.I. McCormick and D.P. Chivers (2012). Degraded environments alter prey risk assessment. Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1002/ece3.388. LIRS catalog number 1587.
  • Lonnstedt, O.M., M.I. McCormick and D.P. Chivers (2013). Degraded environments alter prey risk assessment, Ecology and Evolution, 3(1): 38-47. LIRS catalog number 1849.
  • Luehrmann, M. (2018). Colour vision diversity in coral reef fishes: Cardinalfish (Apogonidae). PhD thesis, University of Queensland. LIRS catalog number 2325.
  • Luehrmann, M., F. Cortesi, K.L. Cheney, F. de Busseroles and N.J. Marshall (2020). Microhabitat partitioning correlates with opsin gene expression in coral reef cardinalfishes (Apogonidae). Functional Ecology, 34: 1041-1052. LIRS catalog number 2448.
  • Mirams, A.G.K., E.A. Treml, J.L. Shields, L. Liggins and C. Riginos (2011). Vicariance and dispersal across an intermittent barrier: population genetic structure of marine animals across the Torres Strait land bridge. Coral Reefs, 30: 937-949. LIRS catalog number 1482.
  • Munday, P.L., N.E. Crawley and G.E. Nilsson (2009). Interacting effects of elevated temperature and ocean acidification on the aerobic performance of coral reef fishes, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 388: 235-242. LIRS catalog number 1278.
  • Nilsson, G.E., N. Crawley, I.G. Lunde and P.L. Munday (2009). Elevated temperature reduces the respiratory scope of coral reef fishes, Global Change Biology, 15: 1405-1412. LIRS catalog number 1261.
  • Nilsson, G.E., J.-P.A. Hobbs and S. Ostlund-Nilsson (2007). Tribute to P. L. Lutz: respiratory ecophysiology of coral-reef teleosts, The Journal of Experimental Biology, 210: 1673-1686. LIRS catalog number 1043.
  • Nilsson, G.E., S. Ostlund-Nilsson and P.L. Munday (2010). Effects of elevated temperature on coral reef fishes: loss of hypoxia tolerance and inability to acclimate, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 156: 389-393. LIRS catalog number 1342.
  • Nilsson, G.E. and S Ostlund-Nilsson (2003). Hypoxia in paradise: widespread hypoxia tolerance in coral reef fishes, Proceedings of the Royal Society London Ser. B. (Biology Letters Supplement, publised online 10.09.03), 271: S30-S33. LIRS catalog number 798.
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  • Parris, D.J., R.M. Brooker, M.A. Morgan, D.L. Dixson and F.J. Stewart (2016). Whole gut microbiome composition of damselfish and cardinalfish before and after reef settlement. PeerJ, 4: e2412. LIRS catalog number 2025.
  • Rizzari, J.R. and O.M. Lonnstedt (2014). Cooperative hunting and gregarious behaviour in the zebra lionfish, Dendrochirus zebra. Marine Biodiversity, DOI 10.1007/s12526-014-0215-6. LIRS catalog number 1758.
  • Shand, J. (1997). Ontogenetic changes in retinal structure and visual acuity: a comparative study of coral-reef teleosts with differing post-settlement lifestyles, Environmental Biology of Fishes, 49: 307-322. LIRS catalog number 756.
  • Stewart, B.D. (1998). Interactions between piscivorous coral reef fishes and their prey, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Australia. LIRS catalog number 593.
  • Sweatman, H.P.A. (1984). A field study of the predatory behavior and feeding rate of a piscivorous coral reef fish, the lizardfish Synodus englemani, Copeia, 1: 187-194. LIRS catalog number 174.
  • Syms, C. and G.P. Jones (2001). Soft corals exert no direct effects on coral reef fish assemblages, Oecologia, 127: 560-571. LIRS catalog number 655.
  • Webster, M.S. (2002). Role of predators in the early post-settlement demography of coral-reef fishes, Oecologia, 131: 52-60. LIRS catalog number 731.