Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: Netted Toby (species: Canthigaster papua)

References that assist with identification

  • Allen, G., R. Steene, P. Humann and N. Deloach (2003). Reef fish identification: Tropical Pacific New World Publications Inc., Jacksonville, FL, USA.

Other references

  • Hempson, T.N., N.A.J. Graham, M.A MacNeil, A.S. Hoey and G.R. Almany (2018). Mesopredator trophodynamics on thermally stressed coral reefs, Coral Reefs, doi.org/10.1007/s00338-017-1639-9. LIRS catalog number 2167.
  • Leis, J.M., B.M. Carson-Ewart and J. Webley (2002). Settlement behaviour of coral-reef fish larvae at subsurface artificial-reef moorings, Marine and Freshwater Research, 53: 319-327. LIRS catalog number 720.
  • Siebeck, U.E. (2002). UV vision and visual ecology of reef fish, Ph.D. thesis, University of Queensland. LIRS catalog number 754.