Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: species: Sclerophytum flexibile

References that assist with identification

  • McFadden, C.S., L.P. Van Ofwegen, E.J. Beckman, Y. Benayahu and P. Alderslade (2009). Molecular systematics of the speciose Indo-Pacific soft coral genus, Sinularia (Anthozoa: Octocorallia), Invertebrate Biology, 128(4): 303-323.

Other references

  • Hellstrom, M. (2011). Sex and symbionts: new discoveries in local and regional patterns of coral reproduction and ecology, PhD thesis, Stockholm University. LIRS catalog number 1422.
  • Hellstrom, M. and J.A.H. Benzie (2011). Robustness of size measurement in soft corals. Coral Reefs, 30: 787-790. LIRS catalog number 1486.
  • Maida, M., A.R. Carroll and J.C. Coll (1993). Variability of terpene content in the soft coral Sinularia flexibilis (Coelenterata: Octocorallia), and its ecological implications, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 19: 2285-2296. LIRS catalog number 386.
  • Maida, M., P.W. Sammarco and J.C. Coll (1995). Effects of soft corals on scleractinian coral recruitment. I: Directional allelopathy and inhibition of settlement, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 121: 191-202. LIRS catalog number 695.
  • Maida, M., P.W. Sammarco and J.C. Coll (2001). Effects of soft corals on scleractinial coral recruitment. II: Allelopathy, spat survivorship and reef community structure, Marine Ecology, 22: 397-414. LIRS catalog number 750.