Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

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Animalia: species: Acropora nasuta

Other references

  • Abrego, D., M.J.H. Van Oppen and B.L. Willis (2009). Onset of algal endosymbiont specificity varies among closely related species of Acropora corals during early ontogeny, Molecular Ecology, 18: 3532-3543.
  • Alvarez-Noriega, M., A.H. Baird,2, M. Dornelas, J.S. Madin, V.R. Cumbo, and S.R. Connolly (2016). Fecundity and the demographic strategies of coral morphologies, Ecology, 97(12): 3485-3493. LIRS catalog number 2048.
  • Alvarez-Noriega, M., A.H. Baird, M. Dornelas, J.S. Madin and S.R. Connolly (2018). Negligible effect of competition on coral colony growth. Ecology, 99 (6): 1347-1356. LIRS catalog number 2239.
  • Babcock, R.C., G.D. Bull, P.L. Harrison, A.J. Heyward, J.K. Oliver, C.C. Wallace and B.L. Willis (1986). Synchronous spawnings of 105 scleractinian coral species on the Great Barrier Reef, Marine Biology, 90: 379-394. LIRS catalog number 300.
  • Baird, A.H., J.R. Guest and B.L. Willis (2009). Systematic and biogeographical patterns in the reproductive biology of scleractinian corals, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 40: 551-571.
  • Baird, A.H., M. Álvarez-Noriega, V.R. Cumbo, S.R. Connolly, M. Dornelas and J.S. Madin (2018). Effects of tropical storms on the demography of reef corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 606: 29-38. LIRS catalog number 2214.
  • Berumen, M.L. (2000). Influence of diet and habitat on the condition of butterflyfish, M.Sc. thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 719.
  • Berumen, M.L. (2006). Influence of resource availability on life-history traits in coral-feeding butterflyfishes (Pisces: Chaetodontidae), Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Australia. LIRS catalog number 987.
  • Berumen, M.L., M.S. Pratchett and M.I. McCormick (2005). Within-reef differences in diet and body condition of coral-feeding butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae), Marine Ecology Progress Series, 287: 217-227. LIRS catalog number 1019.
  • Beukers, J.S. (1996). The relative roles of recruitment and post-recruitment processes in the regulation of a coral reef damselfish population, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 472.
  • Beukers, J.S. and G.P. Jones (1998). Habitat complexity modifies the impact of piscivores on a coral reef fish population, Oecologia, 114: 50-59. LIRS catalog number 663.
  • Beukers, J.S., G.P. Jones and R.M. Buckley (1995). Use of implant microtags for studies on populations of small reef fish, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 125: 61-66. LIRS catalog number 449.
  • Bishop, D.G. and J.R. Kenrick (1980). Fatty acid composition of symbiotic zooxanthellae in relation to their hosts, Lipids, 15(15): 799-804. LIRS catalog number 43.
  • Bonaldo, R.M. (2011). The ecosystem role of parrotfishes on coral reefs, PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1412.
  • Boyett, H.V. (04/2006). The ecology and microbiology of black band disease and brown band syndrome on the Great Barrier Reef, M.Res. thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 969.
  • Caley, M.J. and P.L. Munday (2003). Growth trades off with habitat specialization, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B (Supplement), 2003: S175-S177. LIRS catalog number 784.
  • Coker, D.J. (2012). The importance of live coral habitat for reef fishes and its role in key ecological processes. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1529.
  • Coker, D.J., N.A.J. Graham and M.S. Pratchett (2012). Interactive effects of live coral and structural complexity on the recruitment of reef fishes. Coral Reefs, 31: 919-927. LIRS catalog number 1563.
  • Cumming, R.L. (1996). The corallivorous gastropods Drupella cornus, D. fragum and D. rugosa: ecology and impact on coral communities at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 473.
  • Cumming, R.L. (2009). Case study: impact of Drupella spp. on reef-building corals of the Great Barrier Reef. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Research Publication, 97: 1-51. LIRS catalog number 1628.
  • Devine, B.M. and P.L. Munday (2012). Habitat preferences of coral-associated fishes are altered by short-term exposure to elevated CO2. Marine Biology, doi: 10.1007/s00227-012-2051-1. LIRS catalog number 1557.
  • Dornelas, M. (2006). Coral assemblages and neutral theory. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1626.
  • Dornelas, M. and S.R. Connolly (2008). Multiple modes in a coral species abundance distribution, Ecology Letters, 11: 1008-1016. LIRS catalog number 1145.
  • Ford, M.R. and P.S. Kench (2011). The durability of bioclastic sediments and implications for coral reef deposit formation. Sedimentology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2011.01281.x. LIRS catalog number 1437.
  • Hernaman, V., P.L. Munday and M.L. Schlaeppy (2000). Validation of otolith growth-increment periodicity in tropical gobies, Marine Biology, 137: 715-726. LIRS catalog number 648.
  • Hing, M.L., O.S. Klanten, M. Dowton, K.R. Brown and M.Y.L. Wong (2018). Repeated cyclone events reveal potential causes of sociality in coral-dwelling Gobiodon fishes. PLoS ONE, 13(9): e0202407. LIRS catalog number 2204.
  • Hobbs, J.-P. (2002). An experimental evaluation of sexual plasticity in a coral-dwelling goby, Honours thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 794.
  • Hobbs, J.-P.A. and P.L. Munday (2004). Intraspecific competition controls spatial distribution and social organisation of the coral-dwelling goby Gobiodon histrio, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 278: 253-259. LIRS catalog number 869.
  • Holbrook, S.J., R.J. Schmitt, V. Messmer, A.J. Brooks, M. Srinivasan, P.L. Munday and G.P. Jones (2015). Reef fishes in biodiversity hotspots are at greatest risk from loss of coral species, PLOS One, doi10.1371/journal.pone.0124054. LIRS catalog number 1915.
  • Hoogenboom, M.O. and S.R. Connolly (2009). Defining fundamental niche dimensions of corals: synergistic effects of colony size, light, and flow, Ecology, 90(3): 767-780.
  • Hoogenboom, M.O., G.E. Frank, T.J. Chase, S. Jurriaans, M. Álvarez-Noriega, K. Peterson, K. Critchell, K.L.E. Berry, K.J. Nicolet, B. Ramsby and A.S. Paley (2017). Environmental drivers of variation in bleaching severity of Acropora species during an extreme thermal anomaly. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4: 376. LIRS catalog number 2163.
  • Hughes, T.P, A.H. Baird, E.A. Dinsdale, N.A. Moltschaniwskyj, M.S. Pratchett, J.E. Tanner, and B.L. Willis (2012). Assembly rules of reef corals are flexible along a steep climatic gradient. Current Biology, doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2012.02.068. LIRS catalog number 1560.
  • Komyakova, V. (2009). Habitat characteristics as determinants of the local diversity and structure of coral reef fish communities, Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1302.
  • Kramer, M.J. (2015). Crustacea on coral reefs: habitat associations and triphic relationships. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 2143.
  • Lawton, R.J. (2011). Geographic variation in ecology of coral feeding butterflyfishes and resilience to large scale disturbances. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1522.
  • MacKenzie, J.B., P.L. Munday, B.L. Willis, D.J. Miller and M.J.H. Van Oppen (2004). Unexpected patterns of genetic structuring among locations but not colour morphs in Acropora nasuta (Cnidaria; Scleractinia), Molecular Ecology, 13: 9-20. LIRS catalog number 855.
  • Madin, J.S., A.H. Baird, M.L. Baskett, S.R. Connolly and M.A. Dornelas (2020). Partitioning colony size variation into growth and partial mortality. Biology Letters, 16(1): 20190727. LIRS catalog number 2409.
  • Madin, J. S., A.H. Baird, M. Dornelas and S.R. Connolly (2014). Mechanical vulnerability explains size-dependent mortality of reef corals, Ecology Letters, 17: 1008-1015. LIRS catalog number 1806.
  • McIlwain, J.L. and G.P. Jones (1997). Prey selection by an obligate coral-feeding wrasse and its response to small-scale disturbance, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 155: 189-198. LIRS catalog number 694.
  • Messmer, V. (2010). From genes to ecosystems: patterns, processes and consequences of declining biodiversity in coral reef fish communities. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1413.
  • Messmer, V., G.P. Jones, P.L. Munday, S.J. Holbrook, R.J. Schmitt and A.J. Brooks (2011). Habitat biodiversity as a determinant of fish community structure on coral reefs. Ecology, 92(12): 2285-2298. LIRS catalog number 1463.
  • Messmer, V., G.P. Jones, P.L. Munday, S.J. Holbrook, R.J. Schmitt and A.J. Brooks (2011). Habitat biodiversity as a determinant of fish community structure on coral reefs. Ecology, 92(12): 2285-2298. LIRS catalog number 1533.
  • Munday, P.L. (1999). The relationship between habitat use and the population ecology of coral-dwelling fishes (Genus Gobiodon), Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 628.
  • Munday, P.L. (2002). Bi-directional sex change: testing the growth-rate advantage model, Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 52: 247-254. LIRS catalog number 785.
  • Munday, P.L. (2002). Does habitat availability determine geographical-scale abundances of coral-dwelling fishes? Coral Reefs, 21: 105-116. LIRS catalog number 735.
  • Munday, P.L. (2004). Competitive coexistence of coral-dwelling fishes: the lottery hypothesis revisited, Ecology, 85: 623-628. LIRS catalog number 856.
  • Munday, P.L., M.J. Caley and G.P. Jones (1998). Bi-directional sex change in a coral-dwelling goby, Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 43: 371-377. LIRS catalog number 537.
  • Munday, P.L., G.P. Jones and M.J. Caley (1997). Habitat specialisation and the distribution and abundance of coral-dwelling gobies, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 152: 227-239. LIRS catalog number 499.
  • Munday, P.L., G.P. Jones and M.J. Caley (2001). Interspecific competition and coexistence in a guild of coral-dwelling fishes, Ecology, 82(8): 2177-2189. LIRS catalog number 674.
  • Nilsson, G.E., J.-P. Hobbs, P.L. Munday and S. Ostlund-Nilsson (2004). Coward or braveheart: extreme habitat fidelity through hypoxia tolerance in a coral-dwelling goby, The Journal of Experimental Biology, 207: 33-39. LIRS catalog number 819.
  • Nilsson, G.E. and S. Ostlund-Nilsson (2003). Hypoxia on coral reefs and hypoxia tolerance in coral reef fish, "Fish physiology, toxicology, and water quality: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium".Tallinn, Estonia, May 12-15, 2003, Eds.Rupp, G. and M.D. White. Ecosystems Research Division, Athens, Georgia, USA. LIRS catalog number 901.
  • Patton, W.K. (1994). Distribution and ecology of animals associated with branching corals (Acropora sp(p).) from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Bulletin of Marine Science, 55(1): 193-211. LIRS catalog number 400.
  • Pereira, P.H.C. (2015). Competition and habitat selection in coral-dwelling fishes, PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 2146.
  • Pereira, P.H.C. (2017). LIRS catalog number 2186.
  • Pereira, P.H.C. and P.L. Munday (2016). Coral colony size and structure as determinants of habitat use and fitness of coral-dwelling fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 553: 163-172. LIRS catalog number 2026.
  • Pratchett, M.S. (1995). Spatial distribution, abundance and diet selection of butterflyfish (Pisces: Chaetodontidae), Honours thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 474.
  • Pratchett, M.S. (2001). Dynamics of outbreak populations of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci L.), and their effects on coral reef ecosystems, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Australia. LIRS catalog number 762.
  • Pratchett, M.S. (2001). Influence of coral symbionts on feeding preferences of crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci in the western Pacific, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 214: 111-119. LIRS catalog number 658.
  • Pratchett, M.S. (2007). Dietary selection by coral-feeding butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 14: 171-176. LIRS catalog number 1047.
  • Pratchett, M.S. (2010). Changes in coral assemblages during an outbreak of Acanthaster planci at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef (1995-1999), Coral Reefs, 29: 717-725. LIRS catalog number 1344.
  • Pratchett, M.S., D.J. Coker, G.P. Jones and P.L. Munday (2012). Specialization in habitat use by coral reef damselfishes and their susceptibility to habitat loss. Ecology and Evolution, 2(9): 2168-2180. LIRS catalog number 1576.
  • Pratchett , M.S., A.S. Hoey, C.-H. Tan, C.-Y. Kuo, A.G. Bauman, R. Kumaraswamy and A.H. Baird (2019). Spatial and temporal variation in fecundity of Acropora spp. in the northern Great Barrier Reef. Diversity, 11, article 60. LIRS catalog number 2327.
  • Schubert, M. (1999). Skin toxins and the ecology of coral gobies (Gobiodon: Gobiidae), Honours thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 633.
  • Stella, J.S., G.P. Jones and M.S. Pratchett (2010). Variation in the structure of epifaunal invertebrate assemblages among coral hosts, Coral Reefs, doi 10.1007: s00338-010. LIRS catalog number 1346.
  • Thompson, V.J. (2001). Habitat structure, social organisation and the reproductive biology of group-dwelling gobies, Honours thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 717.
  • Thompson, V.J., P.L. Munday and G.P. Jones (2007). Habitat patch size and mating system as determinants of social group size in coral-dwelling fishes, Coral Reefs, 26: 165-174. LIRS catalog number 1048.
  • Willis, B.L., C.A. Page and E.A. Dinsdale (2004). Chapter 3: Coral disease on the Great Barrier Reef in: Coral Health and Disease. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [

    E. Rosenberg and Y. Loya (eds.)

    ] LIRS catalog number 845.