Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

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Animalia: species: Porites cylindrica

Other references

  • Almany, G.R. (2004). Priority effects in coral reef fish communities of the Great Barrier Reef, Ecology, 85: 2872-2880. LIRS catalog number 879.
  • Baird, A.H. (2001). The ecology of coral larvae: settlement patterns, habitat selection and the length of the larval phase, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 716.
  • Baird, A.H., J.R. Guest and B.L. Willis (2009). Systematic and biogeographical patterns in the reproductive biology of scleractinian corals, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 40: 551-571.
  • Berumen, M.L. (2006). Influence of resource availability on life-history traits in coral-feeding butterflyfishes (Pisces: Chaetodontidae), Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Australia. LIRS catalog number 987.
  • Berumen, M.L. and M.S. Pratchett (2008). Trade-offs associated with dietary specialization in corallivorous butterflyfishes, Behaviour, Ecology and Sociobiology, 62: 989-994. LIRS catalog number 1142.
  • Beukers-Stewart, B., J. Beukers-Stewart and G.P. Jones (2011). Behavioural and developmental responses of predatory coral reef fish to variation in the abundance of prey. Coral Reefs, 30: 855-864. LIRS catalog number 1493.
  • Blanckaert, A.C.A., R. Reef, J.M. Pandolfi and C.E. Lovelock (2020). Variation in the elemental stoichiometry of the coral–zooxanthellae symbiosis. Coral Reefs, 39: 1071-1079. LIRS catalog number 2446.
  • Bonaldo, R.M. (2011). The ecosystem role of parrotfishes on coral reefs, PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1412.
  • Caballes, C.F., M.S. Pratchett and A.C.E. Buck (2017). Interactive effects of endogenous and exogenous nutrition on larval development for Crown-of-Thorns Starfish, Diversity, 9(1): 15. LIRS catalog number 2081.
  • Coker, D.J. (2012). The importance of live coral habitat for reef fishes and its role in key ecological processes. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1529.
  • Coker, D.J., N.A.J. Graham and M.S. Pratchett (2012). Interactive effects of live coral and structural complexity on the recruitment of reef fishes. Coral Reefs, 31: 919-927. LIRS catalog number 1563.
  • Gardiner, N.M. (2010). Habitat specialisation, niche overlap and site fidelity in a vulnerable family of coral reef fishes - the cardinalfish (Apogonidae). PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1983.
  • Gardiner, N.M. and G.P. Jones (2010). Synergistic effects of habitat preference and gregarious behaviour on habitat use in coral reef cardinalfish. Coral Reefs, 29: 845-856. LIRS catalog number 1393.
  • Hempson, T.N., N.A.J. Graham, M.A MacNeil, A.S. Hoey and G.R. Almany (2018). Mesopredator trophodynamics on thermally stressed coral reefs, Coral Reefs, doi.org/10.1007/s00338-017-1639-9. LIRS catalog number 2167.
  • Holbrook, S.J., R.J. Schmitt, V. Messmer, A.J. Brooks, M. Srinivasan, P.L. Munday and G.P. Jones (2015). Reef fishes in biodiversity hotspots are at greatest risk from loss of coral species, PLOS One, doi10.1371/journal.pone.0124054. LIRS catalog number 1915.
  • Hughes, T.P, A.H. Baird, E.A. Dinsdale, N.A. Moltschaniwskyj, M.S. Pratchett, J.E. Tanner, and B.L. Willis (2012). Assembly rules of reef corals are flexible along a steep climatic gradient. Current Biology, doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2012.02.068. LIRS catalog number 1560.
  • Komyakova, V. (2009). Habitat characteristics as determinants of the local diversity and structure of coral reef fish communities, Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1302.
  • Messmer, V. (2010). From genes to ecosystems: patterns, processes and consequences of declining biodiversity in coral reef fish communities. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1413.
  • Messmer, V., G.P. Jones, P.L. Munday, S.J. Holbrook, R.J. Schmitt and A.J. Brooks (2011). Habitat biodiversity as a determinant of fish community structure on coral reefs. Ecology, 92(12): 2285-2298. LIRS catalog number 1463.
  • Messmer, V., G.P. Jones, P.L. Munday, S.J. Holbrook, R.J. Schmitt and A.J. Brooks (2011). Habitat biodiversity as a determinant of fish community structure on coral reefs. Ecology, 92(12): 2285-2298. LIRS catalog number 1533.
  • Page, C.A. (2009). Ecology and biology of coral disease on the Great Barrier Reef, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1299.
  • Pichon, M. (1977). Comparative analysis of coral reef community structures in the vicinity of Lizard Island, Australia, National Geographic Society Research Reports, 1976: 711-719. LIRS catalog number 251.
  • Pratchett, M.S. (2007). Feeding preferences of Acanthaster planci (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) under controlled conditions of food availabliliy, Pacific Science, 61: 113-120. LIRS catalog number 985.
  • Pratchett, M.S., M.L. Berumen, M.J. Marnane, J.V. Eagle and D.J. Pratchett (2008). Habitat associations of juvenile versus adult butterflyfishes, Coral Reefs, 27: 541-551. LIRS catalog number 1141.
  • Pratchett, M.S., D.J. Coker, G.P. Jones and P.L. Munday (2012). Specialization in habitat use by coral reef damselfishes and their susceptibility to habitat loss. Ecology and Evolution, 2(9): 2168-2180. LIRS catalog number 1576.
  • Richards, Z.T. (2012). A comparison of proxy performance in coral biodiversity monitoring. Coral Reefs, doi 10.1007/s00338-012-0963-3. LIRS catalog number 1531.
  • Richardson, L.E., N.A.J. Graham and A.S. Hoey (2017). LIRS catalog number 2095.
  • Shakil Visram, S. and A.E. Douglas (2007). Resilience and acclimation to bleaching stressors in the scleractinian coral Porites cylindrica, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 349(1): 35-44.
  • Stafford-Smith, M.G. (1993). Sediment-rejection efficiency of 22 species of Australian scleractinian corals, Marine Biology, 115: 229-243. LIRS catalog number 699.
  • Stat, M., W.K.W. Loh, T.C. LaJeunesse, O. Hoegh-Guldberg and D.A. Carter (2009). Stability of coral–endosymbiont associations during and after a thermal stress event in the southern Great Barrier Reef, Coral Reefs, 28: 709-713.
  • Tanaka, Y., T. Miyajima, I. Koike, T. Hayashibara and H. Ogawa (2008). Production of dissolved and particulate organic matter by the reef-building corals Porites cylindrica and Acropora pulchra, Bulletin of Marine Science, 82(2): 237-245.
  • Webster, M.S. (2002). Role of predators in the early post-settlement demography of coral-reef fishes, Oecologia, 131: 52-60. LIRS catalog number 731.
  • Webster, M.S. and G.R. Almany (2002). Positive indirect effects in a coral reef fish community, Ecology Letters, 5: 549-557. LIRS catalog number 741.