Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Plantae: Grey Mangrove (species: Avicennia marina)

Other references

  • Byrnes, N.B., S.L. Everist, S.T. Reynolds, A. Specht and R.L. Specht (1977). The vegetation of Lizard Island, North Queensland, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 88: 1-15. LIRS catalog number 3.
  • De Sloover, J.R. and M. Dufrene (1999). Flora and vegetation of Turtell V, Turtell Islands Group (Queensland, Australia), Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg./ Bull. Nat. Plantentuin Belg., 67: 45-97. LIRS catalog number 577.
  • De Sloover, J.R. and A.-L. Jacquemart (2008). Nymph Island (Great Barrier Reef, Qld., Australia): Flora and vegetation of a low wooded island, Scripta Botanica Belgica, 43: 1-88. LIRS catalog number 1210.
  • De Sloover, J.R. and S. LiĆ©geois (1997). Eagle Island, flora and vegetation (Queensland, Australia), Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg./ Bull. Nat. Plantentuin Belg., 66: 347-383. LIRS catalog number 526.
  • Duke, N. (2006). Australia's Mangroves: The authoritative guide to Australia's mangrove plants 200 pp. University of Queensland, Brisbane. LIRS catalog number 90187.
  • Lambrides, A.B.J., I.J. McNiven, S.J. Aird, K.A. Lowe, P. Moss, C. Rowe, C. Harris, C. Maclaurin, S.A. Slater, K. Carroll, M.H. Cedar, F. Petchey, C. Reepmeyer, M. Harris, J. Charlie, E. McGreen, P. Baru and S. Ulm (2020). Changing use of Lizard Island over the past 4000 years and implications for understanding Indigenous offshore island use on the Great Barrier Reef. Queensland Archaeological Research, 23: 43-109. LIRS catalog number 2470.
  • Proske, U. and S. Haberle (2012). Island ecosystem and biodiversity dynamics in northeastern Australia during the Holocene: Unravelling short-term impacts and long-term drivers. The Holocene, 22(10): 1097-1111. LIRS catalog number 1540.