Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

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  • Blanco, M.M. and S.N. Patek (2014). Muscle trade-offs in a power-amplified prey capture system. Evolution, 68: 1399-1414. LIRS catalog number 1777.
  • C-C. Chiao (2000). The influence of natural reflectance and illuminant spectra on the design and evolution of animal color vision, Ph.D. thesis, University of Maryland, USA. LIRS catalog number 609.
  • C-C. Chiao, T.W. Cronin and N.J. Marshall (2000). Eye design and colour signaling in a stomatopod crustacean Gonodactylus smithii, Brain, Behaviour and Evolution, 56: 107-122. LIRS catalog number 649.
  • Cheroske, A.G. and T.W. Cronin (2005). Variation in stomatopod (Gonodactylus smithii) color signal design associated with organismal condition and depth, Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 66: 99-113. LIRS catalog number 921.
  • Cheroske, A.G., T,W. Cronin, M.F. Durham and R.L. Caldwell (2009). Adaptive signaling behavior in stomatopods under varying light conditions, Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 42: 219-232. LIRS catalog number 1266.
  • Chuan-Chin, C., T.W. Cronin and N.J. Marshall (2000). Eye design and color signaling in a stomatopod crustacean Gonodactylus smithii, Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 56: 107-122. LIRS catalog number 1239.
  • Daly, I.M., M.J. How, J.C. Partridge, S.E. Temple, N.J. Marshall, T.W. Cronin and N.W. Roberts (2016). Dynamic polarization vision in mantis shrimps. Nature Communications, 7: 12140. LIRS catalog number 1995.
  • Goatley, C.H.R., A. Gonzalez-Cabello and D.R. Bellwood (2017). Small cryptopredators contribute to high predation rates on coral reefs, Coral Reefs, 36(1): 207-212. LIRS catalog number 2065.
  • Kleinlogel, S. and A.G. White (2008). The secret world of shrimps: polarisation vision at its best, PLoS One, 3: e2190. doi:10.1371: journalone0002190. LIRS catalog number 1238.
  • McHenry, M.J., T. Claverie, M.V. Rosario and S.N. Patek (2012). Gearing for speed slows the predatory strike of a mantis shrimp. Journal of Experimental Biology, 215: 1231-1245. LIRS catalog number 1539.
  • Patek, S.N., M.V. Rosario and J.R.A. Taylor (2012). Comparative spring mechanics in mantis shrimp. Journal of Experimental Biology, doi: 10.1242/jeb.078998. LIRS catalog number 1592.
  • Porter, M.L., Y. Zhang, S. Desai, R.L. Caldwell and T.W. Cronin (2010). Evolution of anatomical and physiological specialization in the compound eyes of stomatopod crustaceans. Journal of Experimental Biology, 213: 3473-3486. LIRS catalog number 1736.
  • Templin, R.M., M.J. How, N.W. Roberts, T.-H. Chiou and J. Marshall (2017). Circularly polarized light detection in stomatopod crustaceans: a comparison of photoreceptors and possible function in six species. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220: 3222-3230. LIRS catalog number 2290.
  • Thoen, H.H. (2014). Colour vision in mantis shrimps: understanding one of the most complex visual systems in the world, PhD thesis, University of Queensland. LIRS catalog number 1957.
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  • Thoen, H.H., J. Marshall, G.H. Wolff and N.J. Strausfeld (2017). Insect-like organization of the stomatopod central complex: functional and phylogenetic implications. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 11: 12. LIRS catalog number 2193.
  • Thoen, H.H., M.E. Sayre, J. Marhsall and N.J. Strausfeld (2018). Representation of the stomatopod’s retinal midband in the opticlobes: Putative neural substrates for integrating chromatic, achromatic and polarization information. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 526: 1148-1165. LIRS catalog number 2225.
  • Thoen, H.H., N.J. Strausfeld and J. Marshall (2017). Neural organization of afferent pathways from the stomatopod compound eye. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 525: 3010-3030. LIRS catalog number 2224.
  • Wolff, G.H., H.H. Thoen, J. Marshall, M.E. Sayre and N.J. Strausfeld (2017). An insect-like mushroom body in a crustacean brain. eLife, 6: e29889. LIRS catalog number 2293.