Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

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Chromista: species: Marginopora vertebralis

Other references

  • Baccaert, J. (1986). Foraminiferal bio- and thanatocoenoses of reef flats, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Nature of substrate, Annls Soc. r. zool. Belg., 116: 3-14. LIRS catalog number 443.
  • Baccaert, J. (1987). Distribution patterns and taxonomy of benthic foraminifera in the Lizard Island reef complex, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Vol. 1: Distribution patterns, 146 pp + plates; Vol. 2: Taxonomy, 290 pp; Vol. 3: Atlas of foraminifera, 225 pp, 109 pla, Ph.D. thesis, Université de Liege, Belgium. LIRS catalog number 494.
  • Barnes D.J., J. Caperon, T.J. Cox, C.J. Crossland, P.J. Davies, M. Devereaux, W.M. Hamner, H.R. Jitts, B.E. Kinsey, D.W. Kinsey, G.A. Knauer and J.A. Lun (1976). Metabolic processes of coral reef communities at Lizard Island, Queensland, Search, 7: 463-468. LIRS catalog number 2.
  • Benson, A.A. and R.E. Summons (1981). Arsenic accumulation in Great Barrier Reef invertebrates, Science, 211: 482-483. LIRS catalog number 42.
  • Bishop, D.G. and J.R. Kenrick (1980). Fatty acid composition of symbiotic zooxanthellae in relation to their hosts, Lipids, 15(15): 799-804. LIRS catalog number 43.
  • Doo, S.S. (2017). Understanding the functional role of large benthic foraminifera on coral reefs in a changing climate. PhD thesis, University of Sydney. LIRS catalog number 2243.
  • Doo, S.S., A. Leplastrier, A. Graba-Landry, J. Harianto, R.A. Coleman and M. Byrne (2020). Amelioration of ocean acidification and warming effects through physiological buffering of a macroalgae. Ecology and Evolution, 2020: 00:1-11.. LIRS catalog number 2398.
  • Ford, M.R. (2010). Sedimentological implications of durability and physical taphonomic processes on a fringing reef, Lizard Island, Australia. PhD thesis, University of Auckland. LIRS catalog number 1528.
  • Ford, M.R. and P.S. Kench (2011). The durability of bioclastic sediments and implications for coral reef deposit formation. Sedimentology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2011.01281.x. LIRS catalog number 1437.
  • Garcia-Cuetos, L., X. Pochon and J. Pawlowski (2005). Molecular evidence for host-symbiont specificity in soritid foraminifera, Protist, 156: 399-412. LIRS catalog number 1172.
  • Hawkins, E.K., J.J. Lee and D.K. Fimiarz (2011). Colony formation and sexual morphogenesis in the coccolithophore Pleurochrysis sp (Haptophyta). Journal of Phycology, 47: 1344-1349. LIRS catalog number 1455.
  • Lee, J.J. (2006). Algal symbiosis in larger foraminifera, Symbiosis, 42: 63-75. LIRS catalog number 1015.
  • Lee, J.J., M. Cevasco, J. Morales, M. Billick, M. Fine and O. Levy (2016). Variation among the Marginopora vertebralis collected from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 46(2): 201-219. LIRS catalog number 2011.
  • Lee, J.J., J. Morales, S. Bacus, A. Diamont, P. Hallock, J. Pawlowski and J. Thorpe (1997). Progress in characteriszing the endosymbiotic dinoflagellates of soritid foraminifera and related studies on some stages in the life cycle of Marginopora vertebralis. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 21: 254-263. LIRS catalog number 1669.
  • Momigliano, P. and S. Uthicke (2013). Symbiosis in a giant protist (Marginopora vertebralis, Soritinae): flexibility in symbiotic partner ships along a natural temperature gradient. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 491: 33-46. LIRS catalog number 1733.
  • Pichon, M. and J. Morrissey (1981). Benthic zonation and community structure of South Island Reef, Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef), Bulletin of Marine Science, 31(3): 581-593. LIRS catalog number 78.
  • Smith, D.F. and W.J. Wiebe (1977). Rates of carbon fixation, organic carbon release and translocation in a reef-building foraminifer, Marginopora vertebralis, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 28: 311-319. LIRS catalog number 20.
  • Webb, K.L. and W.J. Wiebe (1978). The kinetics and possible significance of nitrate uptake by several algal-invertebrate symbioses, Marine Biology, 47: 21-27. LIRS catalog number 66.
  • Ziegler, M., E. Stone, D. Colman, C. Takacs-Vesbach and U.L. Shepherd (2018). Patterns of Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) diversity and assemblages among diverse hosts and the coral reef environment of Lizard Island, Australia. Journal of Phycology, 54: 447-460. LIRS catalog number 2247.
  • Ziegler, M. and S. Uthicke (2011). Photosynthetic plasticity of endosymbionts in larger benthic coral reef Foraminifera. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 407: 70-80. LIRS catalog number 1426.