Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: species: Diplosoma virens

References that assist with identification

  • Kott, P. (1982). Didemnid-algal symbioses: host species in the western Pacific with notes on the symbiosis. Micronesica, 18(1): 95-127. LIRS catalog number 10119.

Other references

  • Griffiths, D.J. and T. Luong-Van (1983). Transfer of photosynthetically fixed carbon between the prokaryotic green alga Prochloron and its ascidian host, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 34: 431-440. LIRS catalog number 105.
  • Hawkins, C.J., G.A. James, D.L. Parry, J.H. Swinehart and A.L. Wood (1983). Intracellular acidity in the ascidian, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 76B-3: 559-565. LIRS catalog number 110.
  • Luong-Van, T. and D.J. Griffiths (1983). In vivo absorption spectra for the prokaryotic algal symbionts in a range of didemnid ascidians of the Great Barrier Reef, Phycologia, 22(1): 93-95. LIRS catalog number 94.