Record (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Record details

Mimic Octopus (species: Thaumoctopus mimicus)
Observed by Tiffany Sih
Tue, 30 Jul 2019 07:00:00

Location details

  • Lizard Island, Queensland

  • On sand near buoy marking LIRS saltwater intake line.

  • Marine specimens found at a depth between 1 m and 3 metres.

Details about the specimen

  • 1 specimen. (exact)
  • specimen alive when found.
  • specimen alive at end of the observation process.
  • specimen left in natural environment.
  • The record does not indicate whether reproduction was occurring.

Observed near the buoy marking the LIRS saltwater intake line, with ~three arms poking out of a hole in the sand which withdrew into the hole. Id based on size and distinctive banding on arms.