species: Unidentified myzostomid 1 in Lizard Island area: all known taxa (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Unidentified myzostomid 1

©Anne Hoggett: Two Unidentified myzostomid 1 indicated by arrows on the arms of Dichrometra palmata, at Big Vicki's Reef, Lizard Island, at night.

©Anne Hoggett: Two Unidentified myzostomid 1 indicated by arrows on the arms of Dichrometra palmata, at Big Vicki's Reef, Lizard Island, at night.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Annelida
Order Myzostomida
Species Unidentified myzostomid 1



Distinguishing features

Elongate myzostomids that are rounded at both ends and have transverse darker bands resembling articulations on the arms of their feather star hosts.


  • Size data has not been obtained.


Similar taxa


Web resources


References that assist with identification

  • Summers, M.M., I.I. Al-Hakim and G.L. Rouse (2014). Turbo-taxonomy: 21 new species of Myzostomida (Annelida), Zootaxa, 3873 (4): 301-344. LIRS catalog number 1824.