Caspian tern (species: Hydroprogne caspia) in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Hydroprogne caspia
Caspian tern

©Mdf: Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Charadriiformes
Family Laridae
Genus Hydroprogne
Species Hydroprogne caspia
Status least concern



Distinguishing features

Distinguishing features still need to be specified.


  • Size data has not been obtained.


  • Wingspan data is not yet available.



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

Web resources


  • Blaber, S.J.M., D.A. Milton, M.J. Farmer and G.C. Smith (1998). Seabird breeding populations on the far northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia: Trends and influences, Emu, 98: 44-57. LIRS catalog number 662.
  • Blaber, S.J.M., D.A. Milton, G.C. Smith and M.J. Farmer (1995). Trawl discards in the diets of tropical seabirds of the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 127: 1-13. LIRS catalog number 433.
  • Smith, G.C. (1987). The birds of Eagle Island, a tropical sand cay on the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia, The Sunbird, 17(1): 1-11. LIRS catalog number 245.
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